Why Realtors Can Benefit From Using Videos on Social Media

Written by IMOTO photo | May 29, 2019 2:51:51 PM

Video is all the rage when it comes to social media marketing, and experts are raving about the benefits that it can have for brands and companies. But does this advantage also apply to real estate agents who are trying to promote their listings? The answer is yes! Let’s take a look at the top 3 reasons that Realtors should use video when promoting their listings on social media.

  • Lead Generation

According to the National Association of Realtors, 36% of people are using video as an informative way to search for a home. By posting a listing video on social media - and making sure to target the right audience - you are bringing the content that people want to see right to their newsfeed. This gets your listing more exposure, which leads to you generating more buyer leads! According to Hubspot, videos can increase purchase intent of leads by 97%. This means that the leads you generate through your social media videos likely to convert into buyers.

  • Audience Engagement

Social media platforms are the perfect place to get your audience to engage with your business. When you post a listing video on Facebook or Instagram, the content is instantly shareable. Not only does this increase your reach, but it also gives friends of friends the opportunity to have a conversation about their real estate preferences and your specific listing. You can join the conversation as the real estate expert and add value to your audience by answering questions and providing valuable insight. Not only does this help your personal brand (hello new clients!), but it also increases your listing’s exposure. Additionally, pairing your video with an engaging caption can also help incite a conversation. For example, if your listing has a beautiful backyard, you could ask your audience “who would you invite to a BBQ in this backyard?” Not only will this spark a conversation, but it also acts as a teaser to get people to watch the video until the luxurious backyard is featured.

  • Branding

As a Realtor, the best way to promote yourself on social media is to do an excellent job of promoting your listings. This means that utilizing high quality real estate photography and videography is key! When it comes to real estate videos, showcasing your listing with a professional video will not only make your audience notice your listing, but it will also make them notice you as a Realtor. Your personal brand will be automatically associated with professional marketing in the minds of consumers - a connotation that is sure to bring you more clients! When it comes to branding your listing, utilizing full-motion media makes your listing stand out from the crowd. Your audience will perceive your listing to be of higher value due to the professional display, and dynamic graphics, music, and animation will convince your audience to seek out more information about your listing. This positive perception will carry all the way through the buying process, helping you sell the listing for a higher value!

When it comes to social media, video products are a Realtors best friend. By simply sharing a professional listing video, Realtors can increase their exposure, engagement, and brand identity. 


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